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Never Say No To Ice Cream Again

From heartache to hangovers, ice cream is the emotional crutch that many women turn to in times of need. I must say that I never used to be into ice cream at all, but since I lost weight, ice cream and cookies seem to both be at the forefront of my mind.

If you love ice cream as much as I currently do, and you don't want to put on weight, then this healthy ice cream blog post was made for you!

Healthy ice cream- is there even such a thing? According to our dear friend, Google, there most certainly is. This suposedly healthy ice cream is made purely out of bananas! Luckily for me, I love ice cream AND bananas. What could be more perfect? Other than real ice cream of course.



1 large ripe banana but I just used 2 smaller bananas



Cutting board


Powerful Blender



1. Chop up your banana into evenly sized and somewhat small pieces.

2. Put the bananas into your tuppaware and put them into the freezer overnight.

3. The next day, blend the now frozen banana pieces in your blender, making sure to pulse the the frozen banana pieces.

4. The banana will move through three phases. At first the banana will look crumbly, then move on to look like gooey banana mush, and finally it will look like oatmeal. As the last bits of banana smooth out, you will start to see the mixture move towards a creamy, soft-serve ice cream texture.

5. Blend the mixture for a few more seconds just to aerate the ice cream.

6. Now you can add in any additions that you may want in your healthy banana ice cream - peanut butter, coconut, berries, or whatever else your heart desires. It's almost like a healthy Wakaberry. Instagram that, girls!

7. Put your mixture back into the freezer until solid.

8. Eat your healthy ice cream and thank me later!

My healthy banana ice cream was creamy, dreamy and almost too delicious. I would like to take Mark Twain's quote and change it to too much of anything is bad, but too much healthy banana ice cream is barely enough. If only this were true, but alas, too much of anything is NEVER a good thing, even if it is healthy.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop reading, and start freezing those bananas you’ve got sitting on the counter, and don't forget to tell me how your healthy banana ice cream turned out!

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